Is It Time to Declutter?

December 2, 2019

Do you look around your house and see clutter everywhere or just a little too much “stuff” lying about or tucked away in drawers and closets? Maybe you’re getting ready to move to one of our new homes or maybe you have already moved and realize that the time is now to declutter. Here at Liberty Grand, we speak with our clients about this very issue -- what to get rid of and what to keep. Luckily, since our ranch-style homes have plenty of storage, right sizing is easy, but we can all benefit from some periodic streamlining and organization by getting rid of things we don’t need or use anymore!

Here are some ideas to help you decide what to keep and what to get rid of in your home.

Ask yourself these questions when you’re getting ready to declutter. If the item is meaningful, of value, necessary, or something you love, keep it! Otherwise, get rid of it.

*Why am I keeping this?
*Do I love it?
*Does it have a purpose or better yet, does it have more than 1 purpose?
*When was the last time I used this?
*When was the last time I wore this?

If you’re having trouble deciding, create a “maybe” box or bin and put items or clothes in it you aren’t ready to part with yet. Then go through the box every few months and continue to weed out what you haven’t used or thought about since placing it in the box. Soon you will only have items left that you really want to keep. One idea we love from organization guru Peter Walsh is to dump all of your kitchen utensils in a box. If you take the item out of the box to use, then you can put it back in the drawer. After a month or so, you’ll see how many utensils you didn’t use and can toss or donate!

Another great idea we’ve seen and used involves your closet. At the beginning of each season, hang clothes so that each hanger faces the opposite way or face all of your clothes to the right or left. As you wear them, reverse the hanger, or turn clothes you’ve worn the opposite direction. At the end of each season, get rid of what wasn’t switched around.

Sentimental items can be really hard to part with, but memories aren’t. You will always have the memories, so maybe you should let go. Sometimes, all you need is a photo of the item in order to fondly remember it.

Take everything out of each drawer and then only put back in what you know you will wear or use. Put the “maybe” ones in a storage bin and check it at the end of the season. Give away what you didn’t wear or use.

Store items you use infrequently in storage tubs in the garage or another area. Label the bins and only keep in them what is written on the labels. Go through them yearly and continue to purge.

Don’t try to tackle the house all at once. Just attack those cluttered spots first (like a drawer or closet) or work your way through one room at a time. Create 4 bins - a “keep”, “toss”, “donate”, and “store”. Before you leave that area and move onto another one, put everything away that is in the keep bin, donate or toss items in the toss/donate bins, and find places to store those items you’ve saved.

Spend a few minutes daily cleaning up clutter around the house. This way it won’t be overwhelming when you decide to really clean out an area. Easier said than done, but it really will help you keep your home cleaner and clutter-free.

Getting rid of “stuff” can be energizing, even though it may be a bit tough. You’ll look around your home and feel refreshed and peaceful. And if you’re clearing out your home to get ready to move into your new luxury condominium in Liberty Grand, you’ll be ready to start enjoying your home right away -- with no clutter. To see if our homes are perfect for you, check out our floor plans. We know you’ll love what you see!